Ministries in North Carolina

Hosea Church

The Hosea church, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, is an incredible church that is making an impact in the community.  The church recently moved into a downtown building that is not far away from the NC State University.  They regularly have Sunday morning services at 915 and 11:15 AM.  The church is a Jesus-centered church with a vision to plant more healthy local churches in the community. 

The Hosea church has a great college in youth ministry.  There are regular attendees from middle school, high school, and university students from NC State University.  Church members come into the sanctuary and receive biblical truths from the preaching and teaching.  The worship environment is contemporary.  There is liberty for people to worship God in spirit and in truth.  The church vocalists and praise team are dynamic as they can sing worship songs and bring people into a spirit of prayer. 

There are many small groups at the Hosea church.  The small groups’ Bible studies are open throughout the Raleigh city community.  People can come to the small group and receive support, counseling, prayer, and biblical teaching that will help them grow in their faith.  The small groups are a model from the book of acts in which the Christians met together at certain places to break bread and pray.  Through the small group Bible studies, new people who may be afraid to come to a large church can learn the Bible and discover the power of prayer and a small group setting. 

The Hosea church has something for everyone.  And ministries in North Carolina is excited to showcase a church that is ministering to the needs of the people in Raleigh, North Carolina.