Ministries in North Carolina

The Great Cause

Ministries in North Carolina

A Vision Beyond the Cross: or the Great Cause

Jesus’ set face saw farther than the Cross. He faced it; but His vision did not stop there. Peter’s did. That was what the Master meant when He rebuked him for minding the things of men. Peter saw the hostile priests and rulers, the grim and terrible tragedy, the suffering and the shame. Jesus knew the will of the Father, and that which lay beyond Calvary, “He endured the Cross, despising the shame.” He always interpreted the Cross in the light of the other side as Hebrews lets us know that to Him it was a joy (He 12:2). When the days drew nigh that He was to be received up, He steadfastly set His face to go up to Jerusalem.

Beyond the Cross was the throne, the redeemed race, and the new kingdom. The Cross was the way to the Father, not only for Him, but for all for whom He died. From the depths it was but a step to the right hand of the Majesty on high. The Cross was the way to the throne, exalted “above all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” Beyond death was the kingdom of life. The grain of wheat dies that life may be sustained and multiplied, and beyond the agony of the Cross was the universal power of redeeming love. Life without the Cross would have left the world in hunger for righteousness. The Temple without the Cross would have left religion without redemption. There is no redemption but by blood, no healing but by Jesus’ compassionate touch, and no satisfaction in this life or the life to come but by His sacrifice. The Cross which Jesus saw beyond must be taken up by every Christian and be approached with the same selfless vision that Jesus saw with.