House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC
House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, is a church that has proven to be passionate about reaching the lost for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As the Ministries in North Carolina delved into this church and its outreach, one thing was noted; they love to help those that are hurting. The Bible tells us in the book of Matthew 25:35-36 & 40, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (NIV) This church has proven that, without hesitation, it intends to aid all of the ‘brothers’ of the King that it possibly can. With this being said, we are going to look into just what makes this church so exceptional.
History of the Church
The city of Fayetteville, NC, is located in what is known as the ‘Bible Belt’ and therefore has a plethora of churches that are scattered throughout this vast city that boasts of a population of more than 200,000 people. When the Ministries in North Carolina looked into this particular church, we saw something different, not the size of the building or even the number in the congregation but rather a church with determination and dedication. House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC had a humble beginning in this city; however, that humble beginning did not come without a big vision. In the beginning, this phenomenal church began in just a tiny run-down storefront building with only a few congregants but a desire that was much bigger than its size. In what was seemingly no time at all, the congregation had grown to the point of needing a bigger location. A church building was located in one of Fayetteville’s worst neighborhoods, Bonnie Doone. In this neighborhood full of drug dealers and prostitution, God set out to work through this small church with an exceeding hunger to reach the lost. Today House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, has blossomed, not only having a church in one location, but a second location has been opened in this area of growing need.
Neighborhood outreach
The book of Isaiah 9:2 proclaims, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (NIV) House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, is a reflection of that light sat in the midst of darkness. This church’s missionary mindset began to permeate from its door and seep into the neighborhood God had placed it in. As any God-fearing missionary, this church began to walk into the darkness armed with the Word of God and the movement of prayer to witness to and reach out to the less fortunate in their neighborhood. Outdoor prayer meetings were arranged where men and women would walk through this neighborhood, just as the Lord had sent out the disciples, two by two, to show the love of God to men and women that had been neglected for so long. Drug dealers, prostitutes, homeless or hurting it did not matter; the love of God was and is shown without regard to race, wealth, or any other factor other than giving all man an opportunity to know Christ. Not long after moving in, a food bank was started, and lines would stretch the length of the parking lot with hungry men and women that this church not only meets with food but also the love of God and an opportunity to come and join in with the prayer meetings going on inside of the chapel.
This outreach is not only secluded to this particular neighborhood but covers the far stretches of the city as well as the neighboring U.S. Army Post, Fort Bragg. Just as the broken in the local neighborhood, help, and love are extended to those that support and fight for the freedoms afforded us. The soldiers who enter the armed forces face many hardships that most people will never experience themselves through long deployments to foreign lands, risking their lives for people they will never know or meet. It is here that the House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, has banded together to give the love and support that they need and cherish. From the military soldier to the homeless on the street corner, this church has and will continue changing the lives of those around it.
Testimonies of House of Prayer Fayetteville NC
Whether it is the soldier having a hard time adapting back to life in the United States after a long deployment or a prostitute looking for a way to change her life for the good, many testimonies have come out of House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC. Talking to this church’s men and women, we found that they all had stories of where they were and where God has brought them to with the help of this missionary-minded church. Broken families that were met at the food bank and offered more than just a meal, drug dealers that were met on the streets and came to listen, wounded warriors hurt serving our country given a chance to have someone fight for them, prostitutes that felt like no one could ever love them that were met with the love of Christ, all these and so many more are the testimonies that resound at the House of Prayer Fayetteville NC.
In conclusion, looking at this church, whether it be the home town missions field that they are laboring in or the stateside missions trips they have taken, ranging from the local state capitol of Raleigh, NC to the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., or it is the foreign missions they have charted even to the far stretches of Nigeria, Africa, this is a missions-minded church. The Ministries in North Carolina can give House of Prayer Fayetteville, NC, nothing less than an A+ in missions and in restoring the love of the mission field to ordinary people like you and me. We hope that reading about the love that this wonderful church has for the lost and reaching people that most would look at as unreachable will inspire you and push you to show the love of God to all that you come across!